Susan Johnsey - online math courses and math tutoring

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Email request for solving linear equations

Hi   johnsey, I have a hard time figuring out solving 2 math problems.
Here they are:
5y - 3 = 8 + 4(y - 2) and   if 7x + 3 = 5x - 5, evaluate 2x - 1.

5y - 3 = 8 + 4(y - 2)  Multiply on right side and add LIKE terms  then solve.
5y-3 = 8+4y-8       the 8-8 is 0 so we get
5y-3 =4y      Since the only number term, the -3, is on the left side I will move the y-terms to the right.   Subtract 5y from both sides.
 5y-3 -5y =4y -5y

-3  = -y   Now we want to finish with y or +1y  so divide both sides  by -1.
-3/-1 = -y/-1   thus we  get y = 3.


If 7x + 3 = 5x - 5, evaluate 2x - 1.

Solve for x first then we evaluate.
7x + 3 = 5x - 5 I will move the variable terms to the left side and the number terms to the right.
subtract 5x from both sides.
7x + 3 -5x = 5x - 5 -5x

2x+3 = -5   Now subtract 3 from both sides.
2x+3-3 = -5-3
2x=-8   so x =  - 4.

now evaluate 2x - 1. let x=-4 we get 2(-4) -1 -8-1 = -9.   The -9 is the answer.

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